Monday, October 29, 2012


Hello and welcome to Finding Fitness.  I wanted to use this first post to introduce myself and let you know the reason for this blog. My name is Jami. I’m a middle-aged (ugh) mom of a teenager, I work full-time and I am finishing up my Bachelor’s degree in Technical Communications. My life is pretty busy but I try to keep in shape despite the lack of enough hours in the day

This is a blog for those non-athletes out there who are on a quest to get in shape and/or stay in shape. As someone who fits this description and has spent almost 20 years on this quest, I know how daunting the finding fitness can be.  I know how it is to walk into the weight room at the gym and feel totally out of place among the bulky power lifters. I know how it feels to feel so discouraged by not seeing immediate progress that you just want to give up. As the saying goes, I’ve been there, done that, and I still own the t-shirt.

I have a philosophy about fitness. What you’re doing should be fun or you shouldn’t do it. Fitness should not be that job you hate. It should be something you look forward to doing. If the fitness routine you are doing fills you with dread, it’s probably time you found something that makes you smile. I’m not saying that fitness shouldn’t be a challenge. It definitely should be. But at the same time it should be something you like. There are enough forms of fitness out there; I’m sure there’s at least one thing that will suit you. 
Let me give you an example. I’m a group fitness junkie (more on that later). Years ago I was going to Spin class every Sunday morning. I told myself that it was great cardio but I found myself watching the clock through every class. I just wanted it to be over. After a while I realized I just didn’t like it. Why would I spend an hour of my day doing something that felt at times like torture when there were classes like Turbo Kickboxing that made me happy and still gave me a wonderful cardio workout?

One last thing…my goal is to make this an interactive experience. A fitness discussion of sorts.  I welcome feedback and comments. I want to know what you think, what you tried, and how you are doing on this fitness quest. Keep coming back and, next time, bring a friend. We can all find fitness together.

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