Sunday, November 4, 2012

Abs Wonderful Abs

It’s time to focus on our first muscle group. We’ll do this every so often just as a change of pace and it’s helpful to know what you are working and why. So today it’s all about the wonderful abdominal muscles.

Figure 1 Abdominal Muscles (
The transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, external oblique muscles, and internal oblique abdominus help make up the core (see Figure 1). “Think of your core as a strong column that links the upper body and lower body together. Having a solid core creates a foundation for all activities.” (Better Health Channel, 2012) A strong core will also help protect against back strain, assists in balance, and is a strong factor in improving posture.

An important fact that you should remember is doing abdominal exercises will not change the amount of fat along your waistline. As Deborah Mullen, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, explains, “The fact is that ab exercises will train your abdominal muscles, but you will have the same layer of fat sitting on top of these muscles unless you create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. The most effective combination is aerobic exercise, strength training and healthy eating habits. You might not like this answer, but it is the only one that will work in the long run. Don't look for quick-fixes--as we all know, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!”

There are many ways to strengthen your core region. I’m a big believer in Pilates and yoga. They are core based and very effective in working the entire region. If those two practices don’t work for you there are many effective exercises you can do. I have included a link to that will give you a bunch of different options. You might also look into using a balance ball (those huge balls you may have seen at the gym) because they require your stabilize they are very helpful in working your core muscles.

DISCLAIMER AND CAUTION: Remember to always be mindful of your body. Pay attention to your back and do not do anything that will put undo strain on it. If you have any issues with your back or health in general, consult your doctor prior to starting any routine. There is also such a thing as straining your abdominal muscles. So take it easy. Doing 200 crunches in one shot will NOT give you a six-pack.


2. Mullen, Deborah L. (1996-2008) Simple Fitness Solutions.“Truth About Training The Abdominal Muscles. Retrieved from:


1 comment:

  1. Jami,

    Thank you for this post about abs! Ever since I gave birth, it has been a struggle to find any decent exercises or information concerning this muscle group. As you stated in your post, there a million quick fixes available out there but the key is to focus on the long term goals. I also really enjoyed learning about the impact diet has on getting better definition. Do you have any specific foods you would recommend to include in a daily diet to help achieve better results over the long run? Thank you again for the information!

