Thursday, November 29, 2012

Working Out While Sick

Yesterday I had a bit of a workout dilemma. This week I came down with a head cold. It’s not bad but, like most people, I really dislike being sick. I wanted to hit the 5:30 Body Pump class at my gym but I wasn’t sure if working out while I’m sick was a wise thing to do. Would it make things worse? Would it help? 

Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, the co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center and a professor at College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, advises that if your symptoms are above the neck such as a stuffy head, runny nose, slightly sore throat it’s usually okay to workout. He suggests taking the intensity of your normal workout down a few notches and shortening the length of your workout, as well. Men’s Health actually cites a study from Appalachian State that showed that participants with colds who performed moderate exercise were able to cut their sickness time down up to half compared to participant who did not exercise while they had a cold. 

However, if your symptoms reside below the next such as chest congestion, cough, and body aches it’s suggested that you forgo your work out. A. Marc Harrison, MD warns about the following:
1.       Never exercise with a fever, lower respiratory tract infection, or symptoms of systemic illness (muscle aches, chills, malaise, etc.).

2.       Do not ignore symptoms that could be attributable to the heart, including shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, fainting, chest pain or lightheadedness. See a doctor immediately if you have any question about the health of your heart.(Harrison 2012)

If you exercise with a fever, you are in danger of raising your core body temperature even higher. This is may make you sicker. This may also lengthen your illness.  
I decided that although I only had a head cold I wasn’t going to hit the gym and went for two mile walk around my neighborhood instead. Even though a little exercise might help me feel better I didn’t want to share my sick germs with my fellow gym-goers. If you decide to go to the gym when you are sick remember to wipe off all the equipment you use with antibacterial cleaner (my gym has bottles around the gym or bring wipes with you). Also, make sure you wash your hands often and remember that your workout towel carries germs, too. Just remember, sharing workout tips is okay; sharing your sickness is not.
Harrison, M. M.D. (2012). “Scare Tactics to Prevent You From Exercising While Sick.” Triathlete Magazine. Retrieved from:
Laskowski, Edward R. M.D. (2011, June 18). “Is it OK to exercise if I have a cold?” Retrieved from:
Mann, D. (nd) “Exercise When Sick: A Good Move?” WebMD. Retrieved from:
Yaworski, J. (2012, January 17). “Are You Too Sick to Work Out?” Men’s Health. Retrieved from:

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